Gustave Roussy Foundation - CRIS cancer Foundation Clinical Scientist Emerging Leader Programme
Call for Applications 2025
In 2025, Gustave Roussy Foundation and CRIS Cancer run the first GRF-CRIS Clinical Scientist Emerging Leader Programme call, to award 1 research grant, covering a threeyear period, for the purposes of incentive clinical scientists to develop their career at the Gustave Roussy Institute.
University Hospital Cologne and Gustave Roussy launch Franco-German research project on lung cancer
Project costs of EUR 1.5 million are covered by a German donor and the French entrepreneurial Oddo family
The University Hospital of Cologne and the French comprehensive cancer center Gustave Roussy are launching a joint study called REDUCE-LUNG with the aim of improving outcomes, particularly for patients over the age of 70 with advanced lung cancer.
Launch of the Gustave Roussy Prize to honor scientific innovation in oncology
To mark the 150th anniversary of its founder’s birth and the upcoming centennial of the Institute that bears his name, Gustave Roussy is proud to announce the launch of the Gustave Roussy Prize. This exceptional annual award aims to recognize a researcher whose scientific discoveries have significantly impacted cancer patient care.