Cancer colorectal - Diagnostic

Diagnostic du cancer colorectal

Le seul examen qui permet de faire le diagnostic du cancer colorectal est la coloscopie. La coloscopie virtuelle, examen d’imagerie comparable à un scanner abdomino pelvien, n’est proposée qu’en cas d’échec de la coloscopie.

La coloscopie

La coloscopie permet de visualiser l'intérieur du côlon grâce à une micro-caméra. Cet examen est réalisé sous anesthésie générale pour éviter les douleurs. Une bonne préparation du côlon par une "purge" avant l'examen, est indispensable.

Colorectal cancer

Treatment of colorectal cancer

More than 40,000 individuals are affected by colorectal cancer per year, making this one of the commonest cancers in France. When it is detected at an early stage, it can be cured in 9 cases out of 10. Each year Gustave Roussy sees more than 3,000 patients with the condition. The Digestive Diseases Committee is responsible for the management of these patients.

Department Medical Oncology


The Gustave Roussy Medical Oncology Department is one of the largest in France with a team of more than 430 personnel. It covers a very wide clinical spectrum consisting of all cancer specialties as well as rare cancers.

Sarcome - Traitement

Traitement des sarcomes et tumeurs complexes

La chirurgie est la pierre angulaire du traitement curatif des sarcomes, quand celle-ci est possible et que la maladie n'est pas métastatique. Elle peut être associée à de la radiothérapie et/ou à de la chimiothérapie.

Sarcoma and complex tumour

Treatment of sarcomas and complex tumours

Gustave Roussy treats patients with soft tissue and bone sarcomas, desmoid tumours, gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) and other complex tumours (chordomas and PEComas).
Sarcomas are tumours which arise in connective tissue (mesenchyme). There are a number of types of mesenchymal tumours whose consequences and severity vary greatly depending on:

Cancer de la prostate - Traitement

En cas de cancer localisé

Il existe plusieurs moyens pour traiter un cancer de la prostate :

La chirurgie

Le traitement chirurgical du cancer de la prostate consiste à enlever la prostate et les vésicules séminales (prostatectomie radicale). Si la chirurgie est nécessaire, elle pourra être pratiquée dans certains cas à Gustave Roussy ou à l'hôpital Bicêtre, partenaire de Gustave Roussy.

Prostate cancer

Treatment of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer in men, with more than 70,000 new cases annually in France. This is usually a slowly developing cancer. It can be completely silent or may be the cause of urinary symptoms such as difficulty in passing urine or frequency of micturition.

Governance of Gustave Roussy

Gustave Roussy is a non-profit making private health establishment with a public role.
As a Cancer Centre, its status derives from Directive n° 45-2221 of the 1st October 1945, modified by Directive n° 2005-406 of the 2nd May 2005 and by the "HPST" Law of 21st July 2009 on hospital reform with a bearing on patients, health and local authorities. 

Gustave Roussy is a member of Unicancer, an organisation to which all French Cancer Centres belong.

Lung cancer - team

International Thoracic Cancer Center Staff

Gustave Roussy

  • Fabrice Barlesi, General Director of Gustave Roussy, medical oncologist
  • David Planchard, thoracic oncologist, chairman of the thoracic cancer commitee of Gustave Roussy and president of the International Thoracic Cancer Center
  • Benjamin Besse, medical oncologist, director of clinical research at Gustave Roussy
