Strategic Plan 2030

Towards ultra-individualisation in oncology
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Strategic Plan 2030

Strategic Plan 2030

Transforming the management of patients living with cancer

An entirely different prevent and treat strategy focusing on a swifter, earlier, more individualised approach to defy prognosis and offer a future to each patient - adults and children alike – regardless of the stage of the disease, and covering life before and after cancer.

Gustave Roussy 2030 is moving towards ultra-individualisation, taking new-generation precision medicine even further and intercepting cancer more quickly to prevent disease onset or progression. With the Interception programme, a further step has been taken towards individualised prevention based on a risk-identification system (biomarker screening) and follow-up adapted to each profile.

Gustave Roussy now offers rapid cancer diagnosis to avoid missed opportunities for cancer patients. This is a truly innovative approach culminating in the world’s only rapid diagnosis centre offering two pioneering, one-day diagnosis programmes, which will be developed for all types of cancer.

Challenging prognoses also means treating patients more quickly and effectively via an individualised approach using 3D pill printing, for example, to predict treatment efficacy for each patient with organoids, but also to anticipate the risk of relapse thanks to artificial intelligence. Several pioneering, cancer-modelling programmes such as PRISM, are paving the way to predictive medicine for all.

Guarantee individualised care pathways through to the post-cancer scenario

Further to the increased use of digitalisation and remote follow-up, part of the care package can be delivered at home, resulting in shorter travel times, or within renovated and revamped Gustave Roussy facilities in an attempt to adapt strategies in line with patients’ lifestyles.   

The Institute continues to invest in post-cancer care in a bid to improve quality of life and limit treatment-related sequelae. Deployed as part of the strategic plan, the Interval programme provides a dedicated care structure called My Care, which offers specific support programmes for the most vulnerable individuals.


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