Calcul de la taxe d’apprentissage

Découvrez comment calculer le montant de la taxe d’apprentissage et oeuvrez pour le développement de la formation professionnelle en France

Assujettissement à la taxe d’apprentissage : les entreprises concernées

Découvrez les règles de l’assujettissement à la taxe d’apprentissage et à la Contribution Supplémentaire à l’Apprentissage (CSA) et déterminez si votre entreprise doit s’en acquitter ou non.

Taxe d'apprentissage

verser le solde de votre taxe d’apprentissage à l’Ecole des sciences du cancer, c’est financer la formation des futurs cancérologues

Enseignement numérique

Enseignement numérique

Formez-vous avec des parcours pédagogiques multimodaux

Les parcours pédagogiques que nous proposons conjuguent :

Medical and Scientific Library

Medical and Scientific Library

The Medical and Scientific Library is restricted to Gustave Roussy staff. Opening hours, Monday to Friday: 9h -17h30


  • 5,500 books and reference works.
  • More than 4,500 electronic journals in Medicine, Science and Technology.
  • Bibliographic resources: PubMed Medline, SCOPUS, ISI Web of Knowledge etc.
  • Collection of surgery, radiotherapy and oncology videos to view on site.
  • Collection of printed oncology journals.


Doctoral School of Oncology

Doctoral School of Oncology: biological sciences, medicine, health (CBMS – ED 418)

The Doctoral School of Oncology (Ecole Doctorale 418 – Doctoral School 418) was established in 2000 within the Faculty of Medicine - Paris-Sud University in association with the Cachan Ecole Normale Supérieure and Gustave Roussy.

Training courses

School of Cancer Sciences University professoral body

University Faculty

Laurence ALBIGES
Full Professor, School of Medicine

Fabrice ANDRÉ
Full Professor, School of Medicine
Head of Research

Full Professor, School of Medicine
Head of Gustave Roussy

Full Professor, School of Sciences

Benjamin BESSE
Full Professor, School of Medicine

Full Professor, School of Medicine
Head of Gustave Roussy Education

Isabelle BORGET
Full Professor, School of Pharmacy

School of Cancer Sciences - Teaching

The School of Cancer Sciences

Ecole des Sciences du Cancer

The School of Cancer Sciences was founded jointly by Gustave Roussy and the Faculty of Medicine - Paris-Saclay University. It is a professional training establishment which is unique in France.
