Parrainage chercheur "Cancer du sein"

Doctoral School of Oncology

Doctoral School of Oncology: biological sciences, medicine, health (CBMS – ED 418)

The Doctoral School of Oncology (Ecole Doctorale 418 – Doctoral School 418) was established in 2000 within the Faculty of Medicine - Paris-Sud University in association with the Cachan Ecole Normale Supérieure and Gustave Roussy.

TLS Polymerases: Genome Plasticity and Cancers - Publications

Publications since 2008

  • Sana Ahmed-Seghir, Caroline Pouvelle, Emmanuelle Despras, Agnès Cordonnier, Alain Sarasin and Patricia L Kannouche. Aberrant C-terminal Domain of Polymerase eta Targets the Functional Enzyme to the Proteosomal Degradation Pathway. DNA Repair, in revision.

Parrainage chercheur "Cancer du poumon"

Renal cancer - team

Urology Committee


Pr Karim Fizazi


Pr Karim Fizazi
Pr Laurence Albiges
Dr Bernard Escudier
Dr Yohann Loriot
Dr Alina Fuerea
Dr Emeline Colomba
Dr Pernelle Lavaud
Dr Ronan Flippot

Radiotherapy / Brachytherapy

Pr Pierre Blanchard
Dr Mario Terlizzi
Dr Anna Patrikidou


Gwenaël Le Teuff
Stéphanie Foulon

Cancer du rein - parcours


Quel que soit le signe révélateur, le diagnostic est confirmé par des examens cliniques et radiologiques. L'examen clinique est le plus souvent normal. Il peut mettre en évidence une masse dans la région lombaire, régulière ou bosselée, plus ou moins mobile, correspondant à la tumeur.

Le diagnostic est principalement fait sur les examens radiologiques :

Renal cancer

Treatment of renal cancer

Renal cancer is the commonest kidney tumour. This is usually an adenocarcinoma (80% of cases). It is also known as “clear cell carcinoma”. Other malignant kidney tumours are much less common: tubulopapillary or papillary renal cell carcinomas, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, collecting duct carcinoma, etc.   
Each type of tumour has its own very specific treatment.

Parrainage "Cancer de la peau"

Parrainage "Cancer de l'enfant"
